Author: Luna

I am screaming.Can’t you hear me?I’m screaming into the nothing – the void – the shallow pools of silence with the air that escapes between my lips that are barely touching – but they are closed. I checked. My tongue can divide them and peek out, wetting my chapped lips against the biting December air,

I am who I am. The light that shines through meis the light I create,but it is also the light of my ancestors. It is the light of my loved oneswho reach out to hold mewhen I am falling. It is the light of those whoignite the fire inside of mewhen the Universe holds up

The full moon is in Aries (my sun), and Aries is ruled by Mars, which is in retrograde, and it is also in conjunct with Chiron (an asteroid known as “The Wounded Healer”, which represents our biggest wound and biggest opportunity for growth in this lifetime). * Stick with me here. This might go in

I am hard to love.I am fire and impulse and passion and running into the unknown.Pushing and shoving and demanding and wrecking the status quoand slicing the curtains open and sometimes maybe too much emotion.Even I get sick of the emotion.Even I want a vacation from myself.I am exhausting.I should come with a warning label.

I am not a professional photographer by a long shot. This was only my second “shoot” – my first being my sister (which I will upload sometime soon). So to have someone trust me to shoot their maternity photos was amazing and wonderful. Angel has been a dear friend of mine since my sophomore year

I have been on quite the journey. I’ve been deeply engaged in shadow work. I also believe I’ve been going through my own dark night of the soul. Either that or I’ve been highly in tune with the collective and there are many people who believe the collective is experiencing a mass dark night of

One of the biggest changes I have made in the last two weeks is I have become uncomfortably, brutally, beautifully, but gently honest with myself. I keep a notebook with me at all times. When I experience an emotion, I pause and notice it. I used to either let it completely overwhelm me or I

I am afraid to say how I really feel right now in pretty much any situation because I feel like my emotions are on overdrive. I am afraid to be me again. Do I burn people out? Do I hurt people? Do I overwhelm people? I need to feel safe again. In something. I’m in

This is not who I am.I am fighting against the current.Waves crashing against my brain – Splashing all of my thoughts aroundmy lungs filling up with wine and Instagram filters. I am screaming.I am thrashing.I am begging for connection.I am holding my hand out in a world that is repulsed by touch.Sanitize my words.Ignore my

Beauty in the God-made,Beauty in the Man-made,the heart beats in the tree trunksand the soul laughs in the water. The wind tells the secrets of the Universe. Pause. Close your eyes. Listen. How lucky we are to love each other – and that there is beauty in all things.

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